This course covers both the theory of international trade and its practice as revealed by empirical research. We first discuss the seminal works of trade theory – from the Ricardian model to modern theories with imperfect competition – and examine their empirical predictions. Building on this foundation, we discuss current empirical work on international trade, including the gravity model and approaches using firms data. We also explore the contribution of data visualization technique to improving understanding of trade.
Main text: Feenstra, R. and Taylor, A., "International Economics", 2014, Worth Publishers
Additional references will be provided for most of the lectures.
Basic knowledge of microeconomics is useful.
Exercise International Economics (272022)
Do. 11:00 - 12:30 (14-tägig) | III-115
Solving problem sets covering the lecture content.
Students are strongly encouraged to prepare the exercises upfront.
Einführung in empirisches Arbeiten mit R (272056)
Mi. 14:30 - 16:00 | I-442
Dieser Kurs hat zum Ziel, den Studierenden Grundkenntnisse der angewandten empirischen Wirtschaftsforschung zu vermitteln. Nach einer grundlegenden Einführung in die Arbeit mit Datensätzen und die Regressionsanalyse werden verschiedene Anwendungsbeispiele aus aktuellen wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten besprochen. Über den ganzen Kurs werden grundlegende Kenntnisse im Umgang mit dem Statistik-Programm R vermittelt.
Bitte bringen Sie Ihren Laptop mit zur Veranstaltung. Sollten Sie keinen Laptop zur Verfügung haben, geben Sie dem Dozenten bitte rechtzeitig Bescheid. Bitte installieren Sie vor der ersten Sitzung R und RStudio auf Ihrem PC:
Übung zur Einführung in empirisches Arbeiten mit R (272060)
Fr. 14:30 - 16:00 (14-tägig) | I-233
Dieser Kurs hat zum Ziel, den Studierenden Grundkenntnisse der angewandten empirischen Wirtschaftsforschung zu vermitteln. Nach einer grundlegenden Einführung in die Arbeit mit Datensätzen und die Regressionsanalyse werden verschiedene Anwendungsbeispiele aus aktuellen wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten besprochen. Über den ganzen Kurs werden grundlegende Kenntnisse im Umgang mit dem Statistik-Programm R vermittelt.
Bitte bringen Sie Ihren Laptop mit zur Veranstaltung. Sollten Sie keinen Laptop zur Verfügung haben, geben Sie dem Dozenten bitte rechtzeitig Bescheid. Bitte installieren Sie vor der ersten Sitzung R und RStudio auf Ihrem PC:
Kompetenzbereich (Area) Empirical Economics and Econometrics
Seminar Empirical Economics (373001)
The seminar will include two conceptual sessions, providing detailed instructions and help students get started on their project, and a block seminar in which students will present their seminar papers and discuss the work of their peers. We will discuss several data sources that students can use in their own applied research. The tools acquired in this seminar are supposed to equip students with the skill set to answer their own research questions and prepare them to write a Master thesis in applied economics.
Registration via email to Prof. Dr. Gassebner (deadline April 1, 2024). A list of topics is provided on the institute's web site. Note that there is an accompanying mandatory tutorial that will help the student to set up their own empirical research project.
Please consult the institute's webpage for further details.
Economics of Terrorism (373007)
Mi. 12:45 - 14:15 | I-063
1) What is terrorism?
Definition of terrorism
How to measure terror?
2) Determinants of terrorism
How do individuals become terrorists?
Which circumstances foster terror?
3) Consequences of terrorism
Consequences on the economy, politics, and the society
4) How to fight terror?
Is there an "easy" sollution?
The majority of the course will be based on research articles which will be made available via StudIP. Two frequently used text books are:
Enders, Walter and Sandler, Todd (2011) Political Economy of Terrorism. 2nd edition. New York: Cambridge University Press.
Krueger, Alan B. (2007) What Makes a Terrorist? Economics and the Roots of Terrorism. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
The focus of the course is on content and the application und understanding of econometric techniques.
Exercise Economics of Terrorism (373013)
Fr. 12:45 - 14:15 (14-tägig) | I-233
Mehrere Kompetenzbereiche (Areas)
International Trade Econometrics (379052)
Di. 09:15 - 10:45 | I-063
Oliveira, Pizzella
The course “International Trade Econometrics” enables students to understand why nations trade, what they trade and the consequences of trade policies. Students will be provided with the necessary theoretical background in international trade and a toolbox to conduct economic analyses. Important trade theories such as the Ricardian trade model or the Melitz model will be discussed, and specifically for empirical analysis inter alia the gravity model of international trade will be introduced.
Throughout the entire course, students are strongly encouraged to participate in class, solve problem sets of the biweekly R tutorial by coding themselves, discussing problems in the Forum on Stud.IP and/or contacting the lecturers (email/appointment).
You may ask for the syllabus upfront.
No previous coding knowledge is required. 80% Final exam 20% Short presentation of a paper
Up to 3 bonuspoints for the final exam based on participation.
Exercise International Trade Econometrics (379053)
Do. 16:15 - 17:45 (14-tägig) | I-233
Biweekly tutorials guide students through exercises in R (RStudio) with the goal of understanding more deeply the lecture content and having useful codes at hand for future applications. Therefore, within RStudio descriptive and empirical analyses will be conducted using real world data.
Students are highly encouraged to solve the problem sets upfront!
Lecture Series: Financial Markets and the Global Challenges (379059)
Financial markets are the backbone of the economy. The world is facing many challenges such as climate change, crime and international conflicts, ageing societies or economic disruptions. In this lecture series, faculty members of the School of Economics and Management will discuss how financial markets are related and/or might provide means to tackle these challenges.
Research Seminar Financial Markets and the Global Challenges (77782)