Lehrveranstaltungen des Instituts für Makroökonomik

Alle Veranstaltungen in den nachfolgenden Tabellen werden in den Ankündigungen nach Semestern beschrieben. Für Seminare gibt es ausführliche Zusatzinformation in Form von Steckbriefen auf den verlinkten Seiten.

Übersicht Bachelor


Modul / VeranstaltungEmpf. Fach­semesterSpracheSemester
Pflichtmodul VWL III (Makroökonomische Theorie) 3Deutsch Winter

Kompetenzbereich VWL

Modul / VeranstaltungEmpf. Fach­semesterSpracheSemester
Wirtschaftswachstum und -entwicklung6 Deutsch Sommer
Seminar: Aktuelle Fragen der Makroökonomik5 Deutsch Winter

Übersicht Master

Area Empirical Economics and Econometrics

Modul / VeranstaltungEmpf. Fach­semesterSpracheSemester
Advanced Macroeconomics2EnglischSommer1
Economics of Terrorism2Englisch Sommer
Empirical Development Economics1-3Englisch Winter
International Econometrics 2 Englisch Sommer
Spatial Econometrics2 Englisch Sommer
Seminar Empirical Economics2Englisch Sommer
Seminar Empirical Research3EmglischWinter

1 Nicht im Sommer 2021 

Area International Environment and Development Studies

Modul / VeranstaltungEmpf. Fach­semesterSpracheSemester
Advanced Macroeconomics2EnglischSommer1
Empirical Development Economics1-3Englisch Winter
International Econometrics 2 Englisch Sommer

1 Nicht im Sommer 2021 

Veranstaltungsankündigungen nach Semestern

  • Sommersemester 2024

    Bachelor Wirtschaftswissenschaft

    Kompetenzbereich Volkswirtschaftslehre

    • International Economics (272021)

      Di. 11:00 - 12:30 | I-401Oliveira, Pizzella

      This course covers both the theory of international trade and its practice as revealed by empirical research. We first discuss the seminal works of trade theory – from the Ricardian model to modern theories with imperfect competition – and examine their empirical predictions. Building on this foundation, we discuss current empirical work on international trade, including the gravity model and approaches using firms data. We also explore the contribution of data visualization technique to improving understanding of trade.


      Main text: Feenstra, R. and Taylor, A., "International Economics", 2014, Worth Publishers

      Additional references will be provided for most of the lectures.


      Basic knowledge of microeconomics is useful.

    • Exercise International Economics (272022)

      Do. 11:00 - 12:30 (14-tägig) | III-115Oliveira

      Solving problem sets covering the lecture content.

      Students are strongly encouraged to prepare the exercises upfront.

    • Einführung in empirisches Arbeiten mit R (272056)

      Mi. 14:30 - 16:00 | I-442Korn

      Dieser Kurs hat zum Ziel, den Studierenden Grundkenntnisse der angewandten empirischen Wirtschaftsforschung zu vermitteln. Nach einer grundlegenden Einführung in die Arbeit mit Datensätzen und die Regressionsanalyse werden verschiedene Anwendungsbeispiele aus aktuellen wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten besprochen. Über den ganzen Kurs werden grundlegende Kenntnisse im Umgang mit dem Statistik-Programm R vermittelt.


      Cunningham, Scott: “Causal Inference: The Mixtape”, verfügbar online: https://mixtape.scunning.com/

      Hanck, Arnold, Gerber & Schmelzer: “Introduction to Econometrics with R”, verfügbar online: https://www.econometrics-with-r.org/index.html


      Bitte bringen Sie Ihren Laptop mit zur Veranstaltung. Sollten Sie keinen Laptop zur Verfügung haben, geben Sie dem Dozenten bitte rechtzeitig Bescheid. Bitte installieren Sie vor der ersten Sitzung R und RStudio auf Ihrem PC:

      R: https://cran.r-project.org/bin/windows/base/

      R Studio: https://www.rstudio.com/products/rstudio/download/

    • Übung zur Einführung in empirisches Arbeiten mit R (272060)

      Fr. 14:30 - 16:00 (14-tägig) | I-233Schiller

      Dieser Kurs hat zum Ziel, den Studierenden Grundkenntnisse der angewandten empirischen Wirtschaftsforschung zu vermitteln. Nach einer grundlegenden Einführung in die Arbeit mit Datensätzen und die Regressionsanalyse werden verschiedene Anwendungsbeispiele aus aktuellen wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten besprochen. Über den ganzen Kurs werden grundlegende Kenntnisse im Umgang mit dem Statistik-Programm R vermittelt.


      Cunningham, Scott: “Causal Inference: The Mixtape”, verfügbar online: https://mixtape.scunning.com/

      Hanck, Arnold, Gerber & Schmelzer: “Introduction to Econometrics with R”, verfügbar online: https://www.econometrics-with-r.org/index.html


      Bitte bringen Sie Ihren Laptop mit zur Veranstaltung. Sollten Sie keinen Laptop zur Verfügung haben, geben Sie dem Dozenten bitte rechtzeitig Bescheid. Bitte installieren Sie vor der ersten Sitzung R und RStudio auf Ihrem PC:

      R: https://cran.r-project.org/bin/windows/base/

      R Studio: https://www.rstudio.com/products/rstudio/download/

    Master Wirtschaftswissenschaft

    Kompetenzbereich (Area) Empirical Economics and Econometrics

    • Seminar Empirical Economics (373001)


      The seminar will include two conceptual sessions, providing detailed instructions and help students get started on their project, and a block seminar in which students will present their seminar papers and discuss the work of their peers. We will discuss several data sources that students can use in their own applied research. The tools acquired in this seminar are supposed to equip students with the skill set to answer their own research questions and prepare them to write a Master thesis in applied economics.


      Registration via email to Prof. Dr. Gassebner (deadline April 1, 2024). A list of topics is provided on the institute's web site. Note that there is an accompanying mandatory tutorial that will help the student to set up their own empirical research project.

      Please consult the institute's webpage for further details.

    • Economics of Terrorism (373007)

      Mi. 12:45 - 14:15 | I-063Gassebner

      1) What is terrorism?

      • Definition of terrorism
      • How to measure terror?

      2) Determinants of terrorism

      • How do individuals become terrorists?
      • Which circumstances foster terror?

      3) Consequences of terrorism

      • Consequences on the economy, politics, and the society

      4) How to fight terror?

      • Is there an "easy" sollution?

      The majority of the course will be based on research articles which will be made available via StudIP. Two frequently used text books are:

      Enders, Walter and Sandler, Todd (2011) Political Economy of Terrorism. 2nd edition. New York: Cambridge University Press.

      Krueger, Alan B. (2007) What Makes a Terrorist? Economics and the Roots of Terrorism. Princeton: Princeton University Press.


      The focus of the course is on content and the application und understanding of econometric techniques.

    • Exercise Economics of Terrorism (373013)

      Fr. 12:45 - 14:15 (14-tägig) | I-233Schiller

    Mehrere Kompetenzbereiche (Areas)

    • International Trade Econometrics (379052)

      Di. 09:15 - 10:45 | I-063Oliveira, Pizzella

      The course “International Trade Econometrics” enables students to understand why nations trade, what they trade and the consequences of trade policies. Students will be provided with the necessary theoretical background in international trade and a toolbox to conduct economic analyses. Important trade theories such as the Ricardian trade model or the Melitz model will be discussed, and specifically for empirical analysis inter alia the gravity model of international trade will be introduced.

      Throughout the entire course, students are strongly encouraged to participate in class, solve problem sets of the biweekly R tutorial by coding themselves, discussing problems in the Forum on Stud.IP and/or contacting the lecturers (email/appointment).


      You may ask for the syllabus upfront.


      No previous coding knowledge is required.
      80% Final exam
      20% Short presentation of a paper

      Up to 3 bonuspoints for the final exam based on participation.

    • Exercise International Trade Econometrics (379053)

      Do. 16:15 - 17:45 (14-tägig) | I-233Oliveira

      Biweekly tutorials guide students through exercises in R (RStudio) with the goal of understanding more deeply the lecture content and having useful codes at hand for future applications. Therefore, within RStudio descriptive and empirical analyses will be conducted using real world data.

      Students are highly encouraged to solve the problem sets upfront!

    • Lecture Series: Financial Markets and the Global Challenges (379059)

      Di. 16:15 - 17:45 | I-401Blaufus, Dierkes, Dräger, Foege, Gassebner, Prokopczuk, Schneider, Schöndube, Schröder, Sibbertsen, Todtenhaupt

      Financial markets are the backbone of the economy. The world is facing many challenges such as climate change, crime and international conflicts, ageing societies or economic disruptions. In this lecture series, faculty members of the School of Economics and Management will discuss how financial markets are related and/or might provide means to tackle these challenges.


    • Research Seminar Financial Markets and the Global Challenges (77782)

      Mi. 11:00 - 12:30 | I-442Blaufus, Dierkes, Dräger, Foege, Gassebner, Prokopczuk, Schneider, Schöndube, Schröder, Sibbertsen, Todtenhaupt

      External guests present their latest research

  • Wintersemester 2023/2024

    Bachelor Wirtschaftswissenschaft

    Kompetenzbereich Volkswirtschaftslehre, Volkswirtschaftslehre III

    • Tutorium zu Makroökonomische Theorie (270034)

      Mo. 11:00 - 12:30 | II-013 (Gruppe 1)Tutor
      Mo. 16:15 - 17:45 | Sonstiger Raum (Gruppe 2)Tutor
      Di. 09:15 - 10:45 | I-332 (Gruppe 3)Tutor
      Di. 16:15 - 17:45 | I-301 (Gruppe 4)Tutor
      Di. 14:30 - 16:00 | I-442 (Gruppe 5)Tutor
      Do. 14:30 - 16:00 | VII-005 (Gruppe 6)Tutor
      Do. 16:15 - 17:45 | II-013 (Gruppe 7)Tutor
      Fr. 09:15 - 10:45 | II-013 (Gruppe 8)Tutor

      Übungsaufgaben zur Makroökonomischen Theorie.


      Beginn der Gruppenanmeldung in Stud.IP: Fr. 27.10.2023 - 09:30 Uhr.

    • Makroökonomische Theorie (270186)

      Mo. 12:45 - 14:15 | VII-201 und Di. 12:45 - 14:15 | VII-201 (Gruppe 1)Gassebner
      Mo. 14:30 - 16:00 | VII-002 und Di. 14:30 - 16:00 | VII-002 (Gruppe 2)Gassebner

      Gütermarkt, Geld- und Finanzmärkte, IS-LM-Modell, Arbeitsmarkt, Phillipskurve, Inflation, IS-LM-PC-Modell, Solow-Modell, makroökonomische Politikgestaltung und -evaluierung.


      Blanchard, O. und G. Illing (2021) Makroökonomie, 8. aktualisierte Auflage München usw.

    Kompetenzbereich Volkswirtschaftslehre

    • Seminar: Aktuelle Fragen der Makroökonomik (272020)


      Behandelt werden aktuelle Themen aus dem Bereich der Makroökomik, Politische Ökonomie und Internationale Ökonomie. Details zur Anmeldung finden Sie unter "Aktuelles auf der Webseite des Instituts für Makroökonomik (www.mak.uni-hannover.de).


      Wird vor Seminarbeginn bekannt gegeben.


      Prüfer: Prof. Dr. Gassebner

    • Einführung ins wissenschaftliche Arbeiten am Institut für Makroökonomik (272039)


      Die Übung „Einführung ins wissenschaftliche Arbeiten am Institut für Makroökonomik“ ist ein Vorbereitungs- und Begleitkurs für das Seminar „Aktuelle Fragen der Makroökonomik“. Die Inhalte des Kurses bestehen aus zwei Teilen. Zum einen werden allgemeine Themen zur Anfertigung einer wissenschaftlichen Arbeit vermittelt. Zum anderen werden Programmierkenntnisse mit R vermittelt und geübt. Teilenehmer sollten, wenn möglich, zu jeder Übung einen eigenen Computer mit installierter R und R-Studio Software mitbringen.

      Diese Übung richtet sich an Bachelor- als auch Masterstudierende.


      Teilnehmer welche eine angewandte wissenschaftliche Arbeit fertigen möchten müssen zuvor zwei Programme auf ihren eigenen Computer installieren (R und R-Studio). Beachten Sie bitte, dass Sie zuvor R und danach erst R-Studio installieren müssen.


      Notwendige Vorkenntnisse: VWL III, Statistik (beschreibende), Statistik (schließende)

      Vorteilhafte Vorkenntnisse: Empirische Wirtschaftsforschung (empfohlen)

    Master Wirtschaftswissenschaft

    Kompetenzbereich (Area) Empirical Economics and Econometrics

    • Seminar Empirical Research (373017)


      The seminar will allow students to gain experience in drafting an empirical research paper and presenting its findings.

    Mehrere Kompetenzbereiche (Areas)

    • Advanced Macroeconomics (379006)

      Mo. 16:15 - 17:45 (14-tägig) | I-063 und Mi. 11:00 - 12:30 (14-tägig) | I-063Oliveira

      The goal of the course include is to analyse and understand the drivers of macroeconomic outcomes: GDP, per capita income, investment and consumption, employment. This course is largely concerned with:

      • Explaining economic growth and differences in growth across time and countries.
      • Understanding the role of macroeconomic policy in economic growth.
      • Analyse the fluctuations in macroeconomic activity (business cycles).
      • Role of monetary policy in stabilizing macroeconomic fluctuations.

      Standard problems of macroeconomics are examined using advanced methods:

      Empirical applications and testing of the Solow model, Ramsey Model, Overlapping Generations Model, sources of endogenous growth, role of R&D and innovation in economic growth.


      Core textbook: David Romer, 2012, Advanced Macroeconomics, 4th Edition, McGraw-Hill.

      Further reading will be provided during the lectures. We will read and discuss journal articles that test empirically the models that form our current understanding of sources of economic growth.

    • Exercise Advanced Macroeconomics (379011)

      Mo. 09:15 - 10:45 | I-063Schiller
    • Advanced Macroeconomics II (379014)

      Mo. 16:15 - 17:45 (14-tägig) | I-063 und Mi. 11:00 - 12:30 (14-tägig) | I-063Oliveira

      Standard problems of macroeconomics are examined using advanced methods:

      • The Role of Research and Development for Economic Growth
      • Real Business Cycle Theory
      • New Keynesian Macroeconomics
      • Empirical applications

      Core textbook: David Romer, 2012, Advanced Macroeconomics, 4th Edition, McGraw-Hill. Chapters 3, 5-6. Further reading will be provided during the lectures.

    • Exercise Advanced Macroeconomics II (379058)

      Mo. 09:15 - 10:45 | I-063Schiller
    • Introduction to Applied Econometrics (379066)


      This block course is designed to equip students with a solid foundation in empirical research methods and statistical programming using the R programming language. The course integrates theoretical concepts with hands-on practical applications to develop students' skills in conducting empirical analyses and interpreting data. Throughout the course, students will learn the basic building blogs of the R programming languange, and explore various topics and techniques essential for empirical research, including data collection, data visualization, statistical analysis, causal inference, and interpretation of results. A special focus of the course is causal inference, i.e. the discussion of endogeneity issues and how to solve them with state-of-the-art identification strategies like Regression Discontinuity Designs or Difference-in-Differences estimations.

      • Cunningham, Scott (2021): "Causal Inference - The Mixtape". Available Online: https://mixtape.scunning.com/
      • Huntington-Klein, Nick (2022): "The Effect - An Introduction to Research Desgin and Causality". Available Online: https://theeffectbook.net/
    • Economic Revolutions (379067)

      Mi. 16:15 - 17:45 | I-063Korn

      In this course, students will study the most defining moments of economic development, and learn about the causal inference methods to empirically estimate their causes and effects. The course will begin with studying the transition from hunter-gatherer tribes to farming societies during the Neolithic Revolution and take off to discuss periods of cultural evolution, state formation, political transition, and industrial revolutions. We will put special emphasis on the application of causal inference methods to investigate the causal drivers and consequences of these transformatory periods. The course will therefore consist of practical elements where we will apply econometric methods and replicate scientific papers.

      • Galor, Oded (2022): "The Journey of Humanity: The Origins of Wealth and Inequality". Dutton, ISBN: 978-0593185995
      • Koyama, Mark & Jared Rubin (2022): "How the World became rich: The Historical Origins of Economic Growth". Polity, ISBN: 978-1509540235

      Das Modul kann nicht belegt werden, wenn bereits Leistungspunkte über die Belegnummer 373026 "Applied Economic History" erbracht wurden.

    • Exercise Economic Revolutions (379068)

      Di. 16:15 - 17:45 (14-tägig) | II-214 Di. 18:15 - 19:45 (14-tägig) | II-214Jessen-Thiesen


    1. Bereich: Fachliche Kompetenzen

    • Advanced Econometric Topics for Finance and Economics (571001)

      BlockveranstaltungGassebner, Prokopczuk, Sibbertsen


    • Research Seminar Financial Markets and the Global Challenges (77782)

      Mi. 11:00 - 12:30 | I-442Blaufus, Dierkes, Dräger, Gassebner, Prokopczuk, Schneider, Schöndube, Schröder, Sibbertsen, Todtenhaupt

      External guests present their latest research

  • Sommersemester 2023

    Bachelor Wirtschaftswissenschaft

    Kompetenzbereich Volkswirtschaftslehre

    • International Economics (272021)

      Mi. 16:15 - 17:45 | I-063Oliveira

      This course covers both the theory of international trade and its practice as revealed by empirical research. We first discuss the seminal works of trade theory – from the Ricardian model to modern theories with imperfect competition – and examine their empirical predictions. Building on this foundation, we discuss current empirical work on international trade, including the gravity model and approaches using firms data. We also explore the contribution of data visualization technique to improving understanding of trade.


      Main text: Feenstra, R. and Taylor, A., "International Economics", 2014, Worth Publishers

      Additional references will be provided for most of the lectures.


      Basic knowledge of microeconomics and econometrics is required. Students are expected to have taken an introductory trade course in their previous studies.

    • Exercise International Economics (272022)

      Do. 09:15 - 10:45 (14-tägig) | I-063Oliveira
    • Wirtschaftswachstum und -entwicklung (272033)

      Di. 14:30 - 16:00 | I-063Wichert

      „Warum sind manche Länder so arm, und andere Länder so reich?“ Dieser Kurs behandelt fundamentale Fragen in der Wachstums- und Wirtschaftstheorie. Im Mittelpunkt steht die Frage nach Wohlstand und Armut von Nationen. Wir beginnen mit der Feststellung, dass sich die Länder dieser Welt seit der industriellen Revolution sehr verschieden entwickeln - „the great divergence“. Im Schwerpunktteil (Teil 1) des Kurses betrachten wir unmittelbare Ursachen des langfristigen Wirtschaftswachstums, z.B. Kapital und technischer Fortschritt. Außerdem untersuchen wir Modelle die langfristiges und super-langfristiges Wachstum verbinden, sodass ein demografischer Übergang und eine industrielle Revolution passieren. Im zweiten Teil des Kurses untersuchen wir die ultimativen Ursachen des Wirtschaftswachstums, unter anderem analysieren wir den Einfluss von politischen Institutionen, ethnischer Vielfalt und geographischen Faktoren auf das langfristige Wirtschaftswachstum. Die Studierenden erhalten somit einen ersten Überblick über die Antworten, welche die moderne Wachstumstheorie bietet.


      Introduction to Economic Growth, 3. Auflage, von Charles I. Jones und Dietrich Vollrath, W. W. Norton & Company, 2013.


      Es gibt eine begleitende Übung.

    • Übung zu Wirtschaftswachstum und -entwicklung (272034)

      Mo. 12:45 - 14:15 (14-tägig) | I-063Wichert

      Begleitende Übung zu Economic Growth and Development

    • Einführung in empirisches Arbeiten mit R (272056)

      Mi. 14:30 - 16:00 | I-063Korn

      Dieser Kurs hat zum Ziel, den Studierenden Grundkenntnisse der angewandten empirischen Wirtschaftsforschung zu vermitteln. Nach einer grundlegenden Einführung in die Arbeit mit Datensätzen und die Regressionsanalyse werden verschiedene Anwendungsbeispiele aus aktuellen wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten besprochen. Über den ganzen Kurs werden grundlegende Kenntnisse im Umgang mit dem Statistik-Programm R vermittelt.


      Cunningham, Scott: “Causal Inference: The Mixtape”, verfügbar online: https://mixtape.scunning.com/

      Hanck, Arnold, Gerber & Schmelzer: “Introduction to Econometrics with R”, verfügbar online: https://www.econometrics-with-r.org/index.html


      Bitte bringen Sie Ihren Laptop mit zur Veranstaltung. Sollten Sie keinen Laptop zur Verfügung haben, geben Sie dem Dozenten bitte rechtzeitig Bescheid. Bitte installieren Sie vor der ersten Sitzung R und RStudio auf Ihrem PC:

      R: https://cran.r-project.org/bin/windows/base/

      R Studio: https://www.rstudio.com/products/rstudio/download/

    • Übung zur Einführung in empirisches Arbeiten mit R (272060)

      Mo. 16:15 - 17:45 (14-tägig) | I-063Jessen-Thiesen

      Dieser Kurs hat zum Ziel, den Studierenden Grundkenntnisse der angewandten empirischen Wirtschaftsforschung zu vermitteln. Nach einer grundlegenden Einführung in die Arbeit mit Datensätzen und die Regressionsanalyse werden verschiedene Anwendungsbeispiele aus aktuellen wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten besprochen. Über den ganzen Kurs werden grundlegende Kenntnisse im Umgang mit dem Statistik-Programm R vermittelt.


      Cunningham, Scott: “Causal Inference: The Mixtape”, verfügbar online: https://mixtape.scunning.com/

      Hanck, Arnold, Gerber & Schmelzer: “Introduction to Econometrics with R”, verfügbar online: https://www.econometrics-with-r.org/index.html


      Bitte bringen Sie Ihren Laptop mit zur Veranstaltung. Sollten Sie keinen Laptop zur Verfügung haben, geben Sie dem Dozenten bitte rechtzeitig Bescheid. Bitte installieren Sie vor der ersten Sitzung R und RStudio auf Ihrem PC:

      R: https://cran.r-project.org/bin/windows/base/

      R Studio: https://www.rstudio.com/products/rstudio/download/

    Master Wirtschaftswissenschaft

    Kompetenzbereich (Area) Empirical Economics and Econometrics

    • Seminar Empirical Economics (373001)


      The seminar will include two conceptual sessions, providing detailed instructions and help students get started on their project, and a block seminar in which students will present their seminar papers and discuss the work of their peers. We will discuss several data sources that students can use in their own applied research. The tools acquired in this seminar are supposed to equip students with the skill set to answer their own research questions and prepare them to write a Master thesis in applied economics.


      Registration via email to Prof. Dr. Gassebner (deadline April 10, 2023). A list of topics is provided on the institute's web site. Note that there is an accompanying mandatory tutorial that will help the student to set up their own empirical research project.

      Please consult the institute's webpage for further details.

    • Economics of Terrorism (373007)

      Mi. 12:45 - 14:15 | I-063Gassebner

      1) What is terrorism?

      • Definition of terrorism
      • How to measure terror?

      2) Determinants of terrorism

      • How do individuals become terrorists?
      • Which circumstances foster terror?

      3) Consequences of terrorism

      • Consequences on the economy, politics, and the society

      4) How to fight terror?

      • Is there an "easy" sollution?

      The majority of the course will be based on research articles which will be made available via StudIP. Two frequently used text books are:

      Enders, Walter and Sandler, Todd (2011) Political Economy of Terrorism. 2nd edition. New York: Cambridge University Press.

      Krueger, Alan B. (2007) What Makes a Terrorist? Economics and the Roots of Terrorism. Princeton: Princeton University Press.


      The focus of the course is on content and the application und understanding of econometric techniques.

    • Exercise Economics of Terrorism (373013)

      Mo. 12:45 - 14:15 (14-tägig) | I-233Schiller

    Mehrere Kompetenzbereiche (Areas)

    • Ringvorlesung Financial Markets and the Global Challenges (379059)

      Di. 16:15 - 17:45 | I-342Blaufus, Dräger, Gassebner, Gnutzmann-Mkrtchyan, Prokopczuk, Schneider, Schöndube, Schröder, Sibbertsen, Todtenhaupt

      Financial markets are the backbone of the economy. The world is facing many challenges such as climate change, crime and international conflicts, ageing societies or economic disruptions. In this lecture series, faculty members of the School of Economics and Management will discuss how financial markets are related and/or might provide means to tackle these challenges. After attending the lecture series, students can pick one specific topic and write a term paper (Hausarbeit) supervised by the corresponding faculty member.


    • Research Seminar Financial Markets and the Global Challenges (77782)

      Mi. 11:00 - 12:30 | I-442Blaufus, Dierkes, Dräger, Gassebner, Gnutzmann-Mkrtchyan, Prokopczuk, Schneider, Schöndube, Schröder, Sibbertsen, Todtenhaupt

      External guests present their latest research

  • Wintersemester 2022/2023

    Bachelor Wirtschaftswissenschaft

    Kompetenzbereich Volkswirtschaftslehre, Volkswirtschaftslehre III

    • Tutorium zu Makroökonomische Theorie (270034)

      Mo. 11:00 - 12:30 | II-013 (Gruppe 1)Tutor
      Mo. 12:45 - 14:15 | VII-004 (Gruppe 2)Tutor
      Mo. 16:15 - 17:45 | II-003 (Gruppe 3)Tutor
      Di. 16:15 - 17:45 | II-013 (Gruppe 4)Tutor
      Mi. 11:00 - 12:30 | VII-004 (Gruppe 5)Tutor
      Mi. 12:45 - 14:15 | VII-004 (Gruppe 6)Tutor
      Do. 09:15 - 10:45 | VII-005 (Gruppe 7)Tutor
      Do. 11:00 - 12:30 | I-342 (Gruppe 8)Tutor
      Do. 16:15 - 17:45 | II-013 (Gruppe 9)Tutor
      Fr. 07:30 - 09:00 | I-332 (Gruppe 10)Tutor
      Fr. 09:15 - 10:45 | I-332 (Gruppe 11)Tutor
      Fr. 12:45 - 14:15 | II-013 (Gruppe 12)Tutor

      Übungsaufgaben zur Makroökonomischen Theorie.


      Beginn der Gruppenanmeldung in Stud.IP: Fr. 28.10.2022 - 09:00 Uhr.

    • Makroökonomische Theorie (270186)

      Mo. 12:45 - 14:15 | VII-201 und Di. 12:45 - 14:15 | VII-201 (Gruppe 1)Gassebner
      Mo. 14:30 - 16:00 | VII-002 und Di. 14:30 - 16:00 | VII-002 (Gruppe 2)Gassebner

      Gütermarkt, Geld- und Finanzmärkte, IS-LM-Modell, Arbeitsmarkt, Phillipskurve, Inflation, IS-LM-PC-Modell, Solow-Modell, makroökonomische Politikgestaltung und -evaluierung.


      Blanchard, O. und G. Illing (2021) Makroökonomie, 8. aktualisierte Auflage München usw.

    Kompetenzbereich Volkswirtschaftslehre

    • Seminar: Aktuelle Fragen der Makroökonomik (272020)


      Behandelt werden aktuelle Themen aus dem Bereich der Makroökomik, Politische Ökonomie und Internationale Ökonomie. Details zur Anmeldung finden Sie unter "Aktuelles auf der Webseite des Instituts für Makroökonomik (www.mak.uni-hannover.de).


      Wird vor Seminarbeginn bekannt gegeben.

    Master Wirtschaftswissenschaft

    Kompetenzbereich (Area) Empirical Economics and Econometrics

    • Seminar Empirical Research (373017)


      The seminar will allow students to gain experience in drafting an empirical research paper and presenting its findings.

    • Applied Economic History (373026)

      Mi. 14:30 - 16:00 | I-063Korn

      This course covers the recent scientific findings on how our current economic system developed. Special emphasis will be given on the econometric tools used by the researchers to plausibly identify causal historical economic linkages. The goal of the course is to give students a better understanding of the econometric methods and data sources used to investigate the (long run) effects of significant historical events. The course will cover both Cliometrics (the analysis of past economic relationships with the modern econometric toolkit) as well as persistent studies (identifying the effect past events have on today's differences in economic activity).


      - Koyama, Mark & Jared, Rubin (2022): "How the World became Rich: The Historical Origins of Economic Growth", Wiley Publishers.

      - Henrich, Joseph (2020): "The WEIRDest People in the World: How the West Became Psychologically Peculiar and Particularly Prosperous", Farrar, Straus and Giroux.


      Students are expected to use the statistical program R during the course. The complementary tutorials are meant to teach the basics of applying R to answer empirical historical questions. Prior knowledge in econometrics and using R is not mandatory but recommended.

      The final grade will mainly be determined by a final exam. Students have the possibility to collect bonus points via a replication exercise of recently published research papers.

    Mehrere Kompetenzbereiche (Areas)

    • Advanced Macroeconomics (379006)

      Di. 11:00 - 12:30 (14-tägig) | I-442 und Di. 16:15 - 17:45 (14-tägig) | I-063Gnutzmann-Mkrtchyan

      The goal of the course include is to analyse and understand the drivers of macroeconomic outcomes: GDP, per capita income, investment and consumption, employment. This course is largely concerned with:

      • Explaining economic growth and differences in growth across time and countries.
      • Understanding the role of macroeconomic policy in economic growth.
      • Analyse the fluctuations in macroeconomic activity (business cycles).
      • Role of monetary policy in stabilizing macroeconomic fluctuations.

      Standard problems of macroeconomics are examined using advanced methods:

      Empirical applications and testing of the Solow model, Ramsey Model, Overlapping Generations Model, sources of endogenous growth, role of R&D and innovation in economic growth.


      Core textbook: David Romer, 2012, Advanced Macroeconomics, 4th Edition, McGraw-Hill.

      Further reading will be provided during the lectures. We will read and discuss journal articles that test empirically the models that form our current understanding of sources of economic growth.

    • Exercise Advanced Macroeconomics (379011)

      Mo. 11:00 - 12:30 | I-063Oliveira
    • Advanced Macroeconomics II (379014)

      Di. 11:00 - 12:30 (14-tägig) | I-442 und Di. 16:15 - 17:45 (14-tägig) | I-063Gnutzmann-Mkrtchyan

      Standard problems of macroeconomics are examined using advanced methods:

      • The Role of Research and Development for Economic Growth
      • Real Business Cycle Theory
      • New Keynesian Macroeconomics
      • Empirical applications

      Core textbook: David Romer, 2012, Advanced Macroeconomics, 4th Edition, McGraw-Hill. Chapters 3, 5-6. Further reading will be provided during the lectures.

    • Empirical Development Economics (379043)

      Do. 07:30 - 09:00 | Synchrone Online-LehreHaux

      We begin by introducing quantitative approaches to development economics, namely quasi-experiments. By using state of the art papers, we will teach you these approaches. A further focus will lie on introducing you to relevant literature and teaching you to assess these papers critically. Hence, you will be asked to submit a referee report by the end of December, which will make up 20% of your final mark.

      To conclude, this lecture aims at giving you the tools to reproduce and understand up-to-date quantitative approaches, present to you relevant literature in this area, and finally, spur critical thinking in you. Therefore, we will provide room for interactive participation and expect you to partake in discussions. For a more personal and inviting environment, we strongly support a switch-on-your-camera-please policy.

      • Söderbom et al. (2015): “Empirical Development Economics”. Routledge.
      • Other recent papers related to the topics (tba)

      There will be an accompanying exercise class.

    • International Econometrics (379052)

      Mi. 09:15 - 10:45 | I-063Hock

      The course “International Econometrics” shall enable students to understand why nations trade, what they trade and the consequences of trade policies. Students will be provided with the necessary theoretical background in international trade and a toolbox to conduct economic analyses. Important trade theories such as the Ricardian trade model or the Melitz model will be discussed, and specifically for empirical analysis purposes inter alia the gravity model of international trade will be introduced. Biweekly tutorials will guide students through assignments in R (RStudio) with the goal of reaching a solid software knowledge by the end of this course. Within RStudio descriptive and empirical analyses will be conducted and interpreted using real world data. Throughout the entire course, students are strongly encouraged to solve problem sets by coding themselves, discussing problems in the Forum on Stud.IP and/or contacting the lecturer (email/appointment).


      No previous coding knowledge is required. Econometric and microeconomic knowledge is required.

    • Exercise International Econometrics (379053)

      Di. 09:15 - 10:45 (14-tägig) | II-214Oliveira
    • Exercise Advanced Macroeconomics II (379058)

      Mo. 11:00 - 12:30 | I-063Oliveira